
The Czech Republic will launch a new project to purchase ammunition for Ukraine in 2025

Oleksandra Opanasenko

The Czech Republic will launch a new initiative to purchase artillery ammunition for Ukraine in 2025.

Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová stated this in an interview with Deník N, Radio Prague International reports.

The working name of the project is "Initiative 2025". Five Czech companies will take part in it: Czechoslovak Group, STV Group, Omnipol from Ompo Holding, Colt CZ Group SE and DSS. They will produce ammunition for Ukraine with the money of European donors.

"This is a natural continuation of the mechanism that is already working. In addition to the fact that donors will allocate funds earlier, our companies will sign long-term contracts sooner," Černochová explained.

The Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic is currently investigating what companies will be able to supply to Ukraine next year. In fact, Prague will become an intermediary between donors — European countries — and arms manufacturers.

Tomasz Kopechny, the representative of the Czech government for the restoration of Ukraine, says that the project was supported by Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany. Negotiations on funding for the initiative could begin at the end of this summer. The details will depend on whether 155mm or 152mm rounds or another type of large-caliber ammunition will be prioritized for procurement.