
About 4 000 military personnel will protect the Global Peace Summit for Ukraine in Switzerland

Oleksandra Amru

From June 5 to 19, about 4 000 Swiss soldiers will help protect the Swiss city of Bürgenstock, where the Global Peace Summit for Ukraine will be held on June 15-16. The army began its service on Monday and most of the troops for the mission have already been deployed.

This is reported by Swissinfo.

The Swiss military will assist the police in tasks such as security and protection of critical facilities, air transport, surveillance, command support and logistics. In addition, airspace protection will be strengthened. At the request of the canton of Nidwalden, the government introduced airspace restrictions.

Global peace summit for Ukraine

The first Global Peace Summit for Ukraine will be devoted to the development of a framework to stimulate the future peace process.

Switzerland invited more than 160 delegations from around the world to the summit. The State believes that different views on the path to peace in Ukraine are vital, so the participation of a wide range of countries and their contribution to the discussion will be crucial to achieving these goals. Participation in the summit was confirmed by 107 countries and international organizations.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba believes that it makes no sense to invite Russia to the Peace Summit, as it cannot be guaranteed that it will act in good faith. The Presidentʼs Office said that the summit will develop a joint negotiating position that will be handed over to the Russians.

At the same time, some countries, in particular Brazil and China, refused to participate in the Ukrainian peace summit, because they consider it useless without the participation of "both sides of the conflict." Moreover, as the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said, China refuses other countries to go to the meeting. In addition, Hungary will probably not be at the summit.

Regarding the participation of the USA in the summit, it was first reported that President Joe Biden will not come to the meeting, as he has a planned fundraiser for the presidential campaign in California on the date of its holding. However, it later became clear that Vice President Camila Harris and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan will represent the United States.