
The head of Israelʼs military intelligence is resigning. He admitted that he was unable to prevent the Hamas attack

Oleksandra Opanasenko


The head of the Israel Defense Forcesʼ (IDF) military intelligence department Aharon Haliva is resigning.

Reuters and Times of Israel write about it.

In 2023, Haliva took responsibility for the militaryʼs failure to prevent the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas terrorists.

"We have failed our most important mission, and I, as the head of military intelligence, bear full responsibility for the failure," he said at the time.

It is unclear exactly when Haliva will step down, as the IDF must find a replacement for him. Haliwa is also currently involved in the armyʼs internal investigations into its failures during the Hamas attack on Israel.

Responsibility for the failures of the Israeli army in October 2023 was also taken by Ronen Bar, the head of the Israeli security service Shin Bet. He admitted that counterintelligence failed to detect Hamasʼ preparations for the attack in time. After him, other heads of law enforcement agencies also pleaded guilty.