
Over 600 attempts to illegally cross the border from Belarus were recorded in Poland in two days

Oleksandra Amru

During the previous two days, on April 10 and 11, Polish border guards recorded 613 attempts to illegally cross the border from Belarus.

This was reported by the Border Service of Poland.

According to the border guards, the migrants behaved aggressively — they threw branches and stones at the border guards and military patrols, and also used gas against them.

One officer was injured. Six violators were detained for their assistance, four migrants are being given medical assistance.

The situation on the border between Belarus and Poland

In 2021, after the introduction of sanctions against Belarus for the falsification of presidential elections, suppression of the opposition and protests, a stream of migrants from the countries of the Middle East rushed to the border of the European Union (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia).

In Europe, they were convinced that the regime of Alexander Lukashenko deliberately created a migration crisis (by increasing flights from the countries of the Middle East) in order to take revenge. Official Minsk blamed the crisis on Europe, which allegedly opened the door for migrants, in particular from Afghanistan captured by the Taliban, and refuses to accept them.

In the fall of 2021, migrants stormed the borders and threw stones at the border guards. The Belarusian authorities brought them crushed stone on trucks and distributed gas canisters, they blinded the Polish border guards with laser pointers and strobe lights, and tried to destroy the border fence.

At the end of 2021, the intensity of the flow of illegal migrants decreased, but in January 2022, Poland decided to build a wall on the border with Belarus with a length of 186 kilometers and a height of 5.5 meters.