
The campaign for accepting e-declarations has ended in Ukraine. They were submitted by 100 thousand less than in 2022

Olha Bereziuk

During the reporting period in 2023, civil servants submitted 664 000 declarations, the press service of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) reported.

For comparison, during the previous campaign, which included two reporting periods at once (for 2021 and 2022) and took place after the resumption of declaration, 744.6 thousand and 712.9 thousand were submitted, respectively.

NAPC reminded that in the event of a mistake when filling out declarations, public servants have the opportunity to submit a corrected declaration within 30 days. However, this can only be done once.

As of April 1, NAPC has started 312 full inspections, completed the inspection of 15 declarations — as a result, inaccurate information worth over UAH 9 million was discovered.

The list of persons in respect of whom a full inspection has been initiated and the results of the inspections can be found at the link.

About 160 000 declarations submitted for the reporting period of 2021 and more than 137 000 declarations for 2022 passed automated verification. This is almost a third of the declarations that underwent automated verification.