
The Baltic countries will build a joint line of defense on the border with Russia

Oleksandra Opanasenko

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will create a joint line of defense along the eastern border, that is, on the border with Russia. Defense ministers of the Baltic countries agreed on this at a meeting in Riga, reports the Ministry of Defense of Estonia.

In the coming years, the Baltic states will build various defense structures on their borders to "deter and, if necessary, defend against a military threat."

"Russiaʼs war in Ukraine showed that in addition to equipment, ammunition and manpower, we also need physical protection facilities on the border to protect Estonia from the first meter," said Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur. He emphasized that the purpose of the defense facilities is to prevent a military conflict in the Baltic region.

According to Postimees, Estonia will build a defense line consisting of approximately 600 concrete bunkers on the eastern border. Most of the bunkers will be built in Ida-Virumaa (bordering Russia in the north and east) and in the south-east of Estonia, some will also be placed near Lake Chuda. It is assumed that the bunkers will protect the military from enemy fire and projectile fragments. Each will be designed for 10 people. The size of the bunker is 30-35 square meters.