
Hungary refused to extradite a Russian suspect in the murder of Amina Okuyeva to Ukraine

Oleksandra Opanasenko

Hungary refused to extradite Russian Igor Redkin, a suspect in the murder of volunteer Amina Okuyeva, to Ukraine.

Andrii Nebytov, head of the National Police of Ukraine in the Kyiv region, informed Radio Svoboda about this.

Now Ihor Redkin, a native of the Dagestan Caspian region, is hiding in Hungary. Nebytov said that the Ukrainian authorities applied to the Hungarian prosecutorʼs office with an extradition request for Redkin, but received a refusal — the reason was allegedly the war in Ukraine.

The escape of the suspect from the editorial investigation was also confirmed by the former deputy of the Ukrainian parliament Ihor Mosiychuk, whose assistant Okuyeva worked. According to him, Redkin was able to leave Ukraine in the first days of the full-scale invasion of Russian troops last year.