
Ex-MP from OPZZh Nataliya Korolevska was charged with renewed suspicion. Her undeclared property was estimated at UAH 13 million

Kostia Andreikovets


A former MP from the banned faction "Opposition Platform — For Life" (OPZZh) Nataliya Korolevskaya has been charged with not declaring real estate in the Kyiv region and in Russia.

According to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), according to law enforcement officers, the value of her property and land is much more expensive — not more than 4.3 million hryvnias, but 13 million hryvnias.

In the declaration for 2020, she did not declare two plots of land in the Kyiv region with a total area of more than 0.8 hectares and property in Russia — a house with an area of 120.1 square meters and a plot of land with an area of 1.13 hectares. Since the value of the property is already higher, it falls under the new qualification — Part 2 of Art. 366-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (deliberate declaration of known false information).

Korolevska, who has been wanted since June 15, 2023, faces up to 2 years in prison.