
The Parliament has exempted EW complexes and plates for armored personnel carriers from VAT and customs duties

Anna Kholodnova

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (the Ukrainian Parliament) supported, as a basis and in general, bills No. 10341, No. 10342 on exemption from value-added tax and customs duties on the import of electronic warfare systems and plates for body armor for the army into Ukraine.

The MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak reported this.

323 MPs voted pro, both times.

Draft Law No. 10341 amends Clause 32 of Subsection 2 of Chapter XX "Transitional Provisions" of the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding the specifics of importing goods into the customs territory of Ukraine for security and defense purposes.

Taxation will not be applied to goods received by law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces, security and defense forces. This rule will be in effect until the end of martial law.

Law No. 10342 provides for amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine regarding the exemption from import duty taxation of certain defense goods.