
The US White House may make concessions to the Republicans to unblock aid to Ukraine

Liza Brovko

The administration of US President Joe Biden may support new restrictions on asylum seekers and expand the deportation process, so that Republicans will still support additional funding for Ukraine and Israel.

Reuters writes about it.

The White House and the US Congress are trying to conclude an agreement that would provide military aid to Ukraine and Israel and at the same time prevent illegal immigration across the US-Mexico border.

Joe Biden is willing to make concessions on border security in order for Republicans to unlock additional funding for allies.

Sources told Reuters the White House would consider the idea of a "safe third country" that would deny asylum to migrants passing through another country on their way to the United States. Another point of the future agreement could be a fast-track deportation process that would apply throughout the country, not just at the border.

Meanwhile, a bipartisan group of senators who want to reach a deal are discussing capping asylum claims. The position of the Biden administration on this remains unclear.

The Republican-led House plans to wrap up work by Dec. 14 and go on Christmas break, leaving less than a week to pass a decision on aid. The Senate, which is led by Democrats, has the same schedule.