
A member of the commission withdrew his vote for Olena Duma, who won the competition for the position of the ARMA head

Sofiia Telishevska

One of the members of the commission for the selection of a candidate for the position of the ARMA head withdrew his vote for the winner Olena Duma.

Dmytro Ostapenko informed about his decision on social networks.

According to him, at the time of voting, he did not have complete information about the candidate, which "was of decisive importance."

Thus, Olena Duma has the same number of votes as another candidate for the position. Ostapenko called on the commission to hold a meeting in the near future to resolve these issues and determine the results of the vote in a proper manner.

Why the ARMA head is important

Almost all seized Russian and Belarusian assets are transferred to the ARMA. The new leader must ensure that thousands of seized assets do not disappear, depreciate and, after confiscation, benefit the state.

Currently, the ARMA manages assets worth more than 5 billion hryvnias.

The first head of the agency Anton Yanchuk was suspended by the government after being accused of disrupting the heating season in Lviv region, and recently he was suspected of embezzling 400 million hryvnias.

His successor Vitaliy Syhydin, who served as the head of the institution until 2021, left the agency on suspicion of misappropriating $400 000.

In August 2021, Dmytro Zhoravovich began to perform the duties of the head of the ARMA, and in September the composition of the commission was approved, which was to elect a new permanent head of the agency — for the first time in two years.