
The head of the Ternopil RC and two deputy heads of the RMA are suspected of extorting UAH 2.4 million from a volunteer entrepreneur

Liza Brovko

The National Anti-corruption Bureau (NABU) and the Special Anti-corruption Prosecutorʼs Office (SAP) reported suspicions against the head of the Ternopil Regional Council (RC) Mykhailo Holovko and two deputy heads of the Regional Military Administration Ihor Demyanchuk and Ihor Hayduk, for extorting a bribe (Part 4, Article 368 of the Criminal Procedure Code).

The NABU press service writes about this.

According to the investigation, the suspects demanded about 2.4 million hryvnias from the volunteer entrepreneur, not 1.8 million hryvnias, as previously reported.

Holovko, Demyanchuk, and Hayduk wanted to receive this money for the Ternopil Regional Councilʼs utility company to sign acts of completed works on the construction and repair of infrastructural facilities, as well as to pay off the debt of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration to the LLC for the work performed and accepted in 2022.

NABU released a video of the conversation between the businessman and the detained officials.