
Doctors have found out that monkeypox can be transmitted to pet dogs

Anna Kholodnova

Health officials are urging people who have contracted monkeypox to stay away from pets because they too are at risk of the virus.

The Associated Press writes about it.

Last week, the medical journal Lancet published a report on a dog that contracted monkeypox in France.

The owners of the dog said that they sleep next to the animal. Two men contracted monkeypox after having sex with other partners. Later, their dog also developed symptoms and was diagnosed with the virus.

Scientists have already discovered that rodents and other wild animals can become infected with monkeypox. They can spread the virus to people. But the authors claim that this is the first report of the disease in a pet, such as a dog or cat.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises keeping pets in close contact with sick people indoors and away from people and other animals for 21 days after the last contact.