
The first monkeypox patient was identified in Moldova

Sofiia Telishevska

The first case of monkeypox was identified in Moldova.

The Minister of Health, Alla Nemerenko, informed about this.

According to her, the patient is a foreigner who came to Moldova from the USA on official business.

"The victim sought medical help at the Infectious Diseases Hospital named after Tomy Chorbe, where he was hospitalized with suspicion of monkey pox. The recorded symptoms are fever, weakness and rash. The tests taken from the patient were checked in the laboratory of the National Public Health Agency. The test for monkey pox was positive," the minister wrote.

As it turned out, in the USA, a man was in contact with a monkey pox patient.

Monkeypox is a rare infection that is mostly spread by wild animals in West and Central Africa. It is possible to become infected by contact with an infected animal, but scientists are not sure what exactly with a monkey — in their opinion, smallpox is transmitted to humans by rodents. A person can catch monkeypox if they are bitten by an infected animal or if a person comes into contact with animal fluids: blood, feces, saliva, etc. You can also get infected if you eat undercooked meat. At the same time, the disease spreads very rarely between people and is easily tolerated.

This type of smallpox is characterized by fever and rashes. There is no special vaccine against monkeypox, but scientists are sure that the vaccine against common smallpox is also effective. In addition, it can be injected after contact with an infected person — this will greatly facilitate the course of the disease.