
The Shariy Party was banned in Ukraine

Julia Sheredeha

The Eighth Court of Appeal of Lviv banned the Shariy Party. This is the ninth party whose activities have been banned in court.

This was reported by the CHESNO movement.

This is the Ministry of Justiceʼs second attempt to ban the pro-Russian party, and it has finally worked. The SBU first demanded that the party be banned in the Kyiv District Administrative Court a year ago. This case is still pending.

In addition, today the court also banned the "Left Opposition" party, which emerged in 2015 after the liquidation of the Communist Party of Ukraine.

The property of this political force is to be transferred to the state, but the courtʼs decision can still be appealed to the Supreme Court.

"We do not know anything about the arguments of the Ministry of Justice and the Security Service of Ukraine regarding the grounds for banning the party — journalists were not allowed to attend the meeting, although yesterday the chairwoman in another case allowed us to be present. We learned about the party ban from the words of a court representative who simply went out to announce the outcome of the trial. According to the representative of the Ministry of Justice, the party representatives were supposed to take part in the meeting via video link, but they did not show up," said Ihor Feshchenko, an analyst for party finances at the CHESNO movement.