
The Wall Street Journal showed the road of death between Motyzhyn and Yasnohorodka. The bodies of 37 civilians were found there

Julia Sheredeha

Stas Kozlyuk / «Babel'»

A video has been published showing the road of death between the villages of Motyzhyn and Yasnohorodka in Kyiv oblast. The bodies of 37 civilians who died at the hands of the Russian military were found there.

The video was published by The Wall Street Journal.

Journalists studied videos from car recorders, talked to eyewitnesses and explored a seven-kilometer section. The Russians fired mortars and firearms at the road. The moments of the shelling were recorded by registrars.

Dozens of Ukrainian civilians were killed on a 7-kilometer stretch of road near Kyiv in March. Analysis of videos, photos and posts on social networks WSJ shows how Russian troops were stationed on the road to fire and kidnap civilians.