
Venediktova: The first stage of the investigation of Russian war crimes in Irpin has been completed

Oleg Panfilovych

Getty Images / «Babel'»

Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova announced the completion of the first stage of the investigation into Russian war crimes in Irpin.

This was reported by the Prosecutor Generalʼs Office.

"To date, 228 witnesses have been questioned. These are mostly locals who could not evacuate and were direct witnesses to the crimes. Thanks to their testimony, it was possible to establish the chronology of events, as well as the circumstances of the aggressorʼs atrocities against the civilian population. Impunity makes the Russian occupiers defiant. But impunity should not be in todayʼs world. We are working to find and punish every war criminal," Venediktova said.

She also added that law enforcement officers received evidence of 7 shootings of civilians and their burial places. So, during inspection corpses of 5 local inhabitants who were shot in the yard of the high-rise building on Bilokur street and in the premises of the childrenʼs development center "Super-kids" are established. It also confirmed the shooting from a tank of a car in which a woman with a 12-year-old son and probably a man tried to evacuate from the city. The remains of their bodies were buried by locals in Mamy Park.

Venediktova said that the suspicion was reported to a serviceman of the 234th Airborne Assault Regiment of the Russian Federation, who together with his colleagues in Irpin captured 10 men. The occupiers kept them in the basement, took away their mobile phones, and beat on the ribs and legs with their rifle butts. The prisoners were threatened with murder and imitated execution, and were not given food or water. Also among the victims — a woman who was mocked by Russian servicemen, shooting in the direction of her legs. One of the executioners was identified thanks to documents provided to the investigation by the victims.

"Now experts have started working in Irpin. They will determine the damage, the weapons used to inflict them, the places and directions of use of weapons, and military equipment. The results of these examinations and the evidence we have gathered of the undisputed presence of Russian servicemen in the city, the conclusions of forensic experts, and the testimony of witnesses and victims will make it possible to identify the perpetrators. Lists of Russian servicemen stationed in Irpin are already at the disposal of investigative bodies and the prosecutorʼs office. There are already the first suspected servicemen of the aggressor country. The work continues, "she added.