
NYT: Satellite images from Bucha confirm that bodies of dead Ukrainians had been lying on city streets for at least three weeks

Oleksiy Yarmolenko

The New York Times published satellite images confirming that the mass shootings of civilians in Bucha took place before Russian troops left the city.

They can be found on the mediawebsite.

According to the newspaper, video and satellite images show that the bodies of the killed appeared on the streets more than three weeks ago. At that time, Bucha was under Russian army occupation.

One of the videos taken by a local administration representative on April 2 shows a lot of bodies in Yablunsky Lane. Satellite imagery provided to The New York Times by Maxar Technologies shows that at least 11 of these bodies have been on the streets since March 11.

Another video, shot in Yablunsky Lane, shows another three bodies. One lies next to the bicycle, the other near the abandoned car. Satellite images analysis shows that abandoned cars and bodies appeared on the streets between March 20 and 21.