
The government has introduced mandatory knowledge of English for contract soldiers in management positions

Olha Bereziuk

Officers, sergeants, and non-commissioned officers serving under a contract will be required to speak English to apply for certain positions.

The government has adopted a corresponding resolution, the Ministry of Defense reports.

First of all, we are talking about management positions in the following structures:

The document establishes a specific list of positions and required language proficiency levels according to the Pan-European recommendations and the NATO standard STANAG 6001.

The Ministry of Defense believes that this decision will have a positive impact on the professional activities of military personnel of the officer, sergeant, and warrant officer ranks. It will also improve the professional interaction of military personnel in international military-technical cooperation events and bring Ukraine closer to membership in the EU and NATO.

The implementation of language requirements will take place in accordance with the Law “On the Use of the English Language in Ukraine.” The resolution will come into force four years after the termination or lifting of martial law.

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