
Klitschkoʼs deputy passed a polygraph. SBI returned to him the money confiscated during the search

Olha Bereziuk

As part of the investigation of the case of abuse in the field of transportation in Kyiv, the deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration Kostyantyn Usov passed a polygraph.

He informed about this in Telegram.

"I voluntarily passed a polygraph examination. The questions are very direct and clear. Did I take or did not take? Did I give commands or not? Did I discuss or did not discuss? The results are unequivocal. Spoiler — they are the opposite of ʼleakingʼ spread by the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI)," Usov wrote.

He also added that the State Bureau of Investigation returned to him the personal money seized during the search, as it has nothing to do with the criminal proceedings.

According to Usov, the deputy director of the Department of Transport, who was responsible for the direction of passenger transportation and to whom suspicion was announced, left his post.

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