
Reuters: Russia makes drones with Chinese parts

Iryna Perepechko

Russia has begun manufacturing new Harpy-A1 long-range attack drones — they contain Chinese-made engines and parts. From July 2023 to July 2024, more than 2 500 Harpies were produced — Russia has already used these drones for attacks on critical infrastructure.

This is reported by Reuters.

According to Samuel Bendett, a senior researcher at the Center for a New American Security, if Russia is indeed making drones with Chinese parts, it will allow the country to reduce its dependence on Iranʼs long-range drone development.

Production of "Harpy"

Reuters writes that the new Russian drones are manufactured by IEMZ Kupol, which is a subsidiary of the Russian arms manufacturer Almaz-Antey. Presumably, this is done at the former cement plant in Izhevsk, in the west of the country — this plant was purchased by the above-mentioned Kupol company in 2020.

The development of the Harpy prototype probably began in the first half of 2023, and already in the second half of 2023 production reached several hundred. In 2024, production doubled to about 2 000 units.

The take-off weight of the "Harpy" is less than 300 kilograms, and the maximum flight range is 1 500 kilometers. This is stated in the production contract between the company "Kupol" and the Ministry of Defense of Russia. These parameters correspond to Iranʼs Shahed-136 drones.

However, there are differences. We are talking about the unique structure and engine Limbach L-550 E. At first, such engines were developed by a German company, but now they are produced in China by the local company Xiamen Limbach.

Reuters sources provided the publication with a photo of the alleged new drone — Reuters could find no information confirming the authenticity of the photo.

Chinese parts for the production of "Harpy"

Reuters has seen corporate documents dated to the second quarter of 2023, which state that parts for drones are purchased from Chinese companies. The Russian plant has already received 800 Chinese engines. In the third quarter of this year, Vector and Kupol ordered 100 axles, carburetors and other parts of Limbach engines from the Chinese companies Juhang Aviation Technology and Redlepus Vector Industries.

In February, the Juhang company came under British and in May under American sanctions for supplying Russia with equipment for drones.

From April 2022 to December 2023, Vector imported goods worth $36.3 million from Chinaʼs Juhang Aviation Technology and $6.2 million from Redlepus TSK Vector Industrial Shenzhen Co Ltd.

Customs documents show that China transferred aircraft engines, transistors, electronic modules, connectors, plugs and sockets, spare parts and components. Most were marked as "for general civil purpose" and "for general industrial purpose".