
Peopleʼs deputy Dmytrouk is suspected of attacks on a law enforcement officer and a military man

Liza Brovko

Peopleʼs deputy Artem Dmytruk was informed of suspicion due to attacks on a law enforcement officer and a military man.

The Prosecutor Generalʼs Office writes about this without naming the person involved. However, it is clear from the attached photo that it is about Artem Dmytruk.

According to the investigation, in Odesa, the suspect, together with several other people, attacked a law enforcement officer, injured him and tried to steal a weapon. His actions were classified as intentional infliction by a group of people of a law enforcement officer of light bodily injuries in connection with the performance of his official duties and a completed attempt to steal a firearm by a group of people.

The investigation also established that when the suspect was in Kyiv, during an argument with a military man, he hit him several times, in particular on the head. The soldier has moderate injuries. In this situation, Dmytroukʼs actions were classified as intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm and gross violation of public order on the grounds of clear disrespect for society with particular audacity.

Artem Dmytrouk was summoned to the investigative office of the State Bureau of Investigation to conduct investigative and procedural actions on August 29 and 30.

Dmytruk reacted to this in his Telegram channel and wrote that "the authorities continue their hunt for those who disagree with the regime." According to him, the suspicion was not handed to him.

Earlier this day, on August 25, UP reported with reference to law enforcement sources that Artem Dmytruk illegally left abroad — first to Moldova, and then to Italy.

The Prosecutor Generalʼs Office has initiated criminal proceedings based on the fact of the Peopleʼs Deputy illegally crossing the border and the involvement of other people in the organization of the departure — Part 3 of Art. 332 of the CCU, the spokeswoman of the OGP, Nadiya Maksimets, said in a comment to Babel. It is about the case of Peopleʼs Deputy Artem Dmytruk. Information about his probable departure is being checked.