
The chief of “Azov” brigade sued SBI. The bureau did not open a case against the ex-comm of the United Forces of the Ukrainian army Yurii Sodol

Kostia Andreikovets

The Chief of Staff of the 12th “Azov” Special Forces Brigade Bohdan "Tavr" Krotevych informed in his Telegram that he filed a complaint with the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI), because it did not open a case against the former commander of the United Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Yurii Sodol.

Krotevych said that on June 27 he received a response from the Security Intelligence Service, where he was informed that his statement regarding Sodol will be added to the already existing case, which indirectly deals with the actions of the command of the Operational-Strategic Group of the "Khortytsia" troops and "other people". He believes that SBI violates the law and does it "as brazenly as possible", which is similar to "deliberate inaction".

The chief of “Azov” brigade noted that he was not called as a witness to testify, although he requested it. That is why he, together with his lawyers, filed a complaint with SBI on July 4, demanding that the bureau open a case against General Sodol and start an investigation.

Krotevych added that he spoke with "various people" and was made to understand that there was an instruction from above "not to let this matter go." According to him, despite the fact that Sodol was fired, his "accomplices kept their positions" and are doing everything to "cover up their leader." The Chief of Staff assures that he has been approached by the commanders of various brigades who are ready to testify against Sodol in court.

The hearing of the complaint against SBI in court was scheduled for August 19, but the process of appointing a judge was accompanied by violations, "Tavr" says.