
The Kyiv City State Administration declared about “manipulation” by the police against the breaking of the rope at the attraction in Kyiv

Oleksandra Opanasenko

The Kyiv City State Administration (KCSA) called for an "honest and fair investigation" into the fall of a person on the ropeway across the Dnipro River. KCSA added that this case should not become "another subject of public manipulation" by law enforcement officers.

The Kyiv prosecutorʼs office informed that they tried to stop the working of this attraction as early as 2021. Then the prosecutors appealed to the Commercial Court of Kyiv with a lawsuit — they asked to declare illegal and cancel the order of the executive body of KCSA from January 11, 2021, where the winner of the investment competition was recognized as a company without experience in the implementation and operation of similar attractions.

However, according to the prosecutorʼs office, the courts and the defendants did not agree to recognize the ropeway across the Dnipro River as an attraction of increased danger, and the courts of various instances did not satisfy the claim.

After that, KCSA stated that the city prosecutorʼs office in 2021 through the court did not try to cancel the attraction itself, but only contested the results of the investment competition regarding the winning company and the corresponding order of KCSA dated January 11, 2021. The attraction itself — the ropeway across the Dnipro River — did not exist then.

KCSA emphasizes that the Northern Commercial Court of Appeal on June 16, 2022 and the Supreme Court on September 14 of that year refused the prosecutorʼs office to satisfy the lawsuits. The court took into account that the participant of the competition has the necessary permits for the operation of the attraction.

In addition, KCSA noted that the project documentation should have been developed by the winner of the competition, and the statement of the prosecutorʼs office in this regard is "incorrect". On the basis of this documentation, they had to obtain appropriate permits from relevant state bodies and departments, as established by current legislation.

"And it is precisely in the part of compliance with these requirements and rules that the investigation should thoroughly understand," KCSA added. The administration will cooperate with the investigation to prevent such cases in the future.