
Politico: The EU wants to punish Hungary with a boycott of Viktor Orbánʼs summit — all because of his trips to Moscow and Beijing

Kostia Andreikovets

EU foreign ministers plan to skip the Budapest summit scheduled for August 28 and 29, thereby punishing Hungary for Prime Minister Viktor Orbánʼs visits to Moscow and Beijing.

Politico writes about it.

According to the publication, Orbán plans to gather EU foreign ministers for a summit in Budapest to try to shape the blocʼs foreign policy agenda, as Hungary currently presides over the Council of the European Union.

EU ministers want to hold their own summit on August 28 and 29 and not go to Budapest. Three diplomats familiar with the plan say the "formal" council of ministers will be convened by the EUʼs high representative for foreign affairs, Josep Borrell. In this way, they will give Hungary a "clear signal" that it does not speak on behalf of the EU.

This plan has already been discussed with several EU countries, in particular with France and Germany. It is planned that Borrellʼs team will present it to the 27 permanent representatives of the EU on July 17.