
The Prosecutorʼs Office of Ukraine identified seven more Russian soldiers involved in the crimes in Bucha


Archive of the wife / "Babel"

The Prosecutorʼs Office of Ukraine identified seven more Russian soldiers involved in the murders of Ukrainian civilians in Bucha (Kyiv region) at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. They were informed of the suspicion of violating the laws and customs of war, combined with intentional murder (Part 1 and Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), for which the perpetrators face life imprisonment.

This was reported by the Prosecutor Generalʼs Office.

The suspects fought in various units of the 234th Airborne Assault Regiment of the 76th Airborne Assault Division of the Airborne Forces — namely, the 2nd Self-Propelled Artillery Group, the 3rd Parachute Company of the 1st Battalion Tactical Group, and the 4th Airborne assault company of the 2nd battalion tactical group.

Suspicion was announced to the commander of the 2nd self-propelled artillery group, the battery foreman and the batteryʼs senior gunner. They searched a local man, and after checking his phone, they beat him. On the order of the commander, the sapper gunner tied the victimʼs hands and shot him. The reason was "pro-Ukrainian information" on the phone, the prosecutorʼs office said.

Another suspect — the platoon commander of the 3rd Parachute Company of the 1st Battalion Tactical Group — checked the phone of a local resident and shot him with seven shots

The occupiers who shot people at the checkpoint were also identified. A private of the 3rd Parachute Company of the 1st Battalion Tactical Group with other servicemen stopped a civilian car, after which he fired a shot into the driverʼs door window. He pulled the civilian out of the cabin and threw him onto the road. Later, the private together with the deputy commander of the combat vehicle shot the man.

At another checkpoint, a gunner of the 4th Assault Company of the 2nd Battalion Tactical Group killed the owner of the house with two shots from a machine gun. The involvement of this military man in the murder of another civilian was also established.