
The International Criminal Court postponed the issuance of arrest warrants for the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense of Israel

Kostia Andreikovets

The pre-trial tribunal of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has postponed a decision on whether to allow ICC prosecutor Karim Khan to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant, and three leaders of the Palestinian Hamas movement.

According to The Jerusalem Post, the hearing was postponed after Great Britain said that the matter should be considered in another jurisdiction rather than the ICC. As a result, the ICC gave Great Britain and other countries with claims to the court until July 12 to submit their findings.

Not only Israel and Great Britain are against the jurisdiction of the ICC in the matter of the charges against Netanyahu and Galant. The US is also on Israelʼs side and has criticized Prosecutor Khanʼs request, threatening sanctions.

Earlier, The New York Times newspaper wrote that Netanyahu was very alarmed by the prospect of becoming a figure in the case in The Hague, so he made numerous phone calls trying to change the plans for the ISS — in particular, with US President Joe Biden.