
The Parliament of Georgia adopted in the first reading draft laws limiting the rights of LGBT people

Olha Bereziuk

On June 27, the Parliament of Georgia approved in the first reading the draft law "On family values and protection of minors" and amendments to 18 laws limiting LGBT rights.

Echo of the Caucasus writes about it.

The projects propose to ban gender reassignment, adoption and guardianship of minors for same-sex couples, as well as holding meetings aimed at "popularizing" same-sex marriage, gender reassignment, and adoption of children by same-sex couples.

In addition, it is proposed to prohibit the distribution of content about same-sex marriage, incest, adoption of children by same-sex couples, and gender reassignment operations in works, programs, and other materials.

Georgian deputies also want to establish a new state holiday on May 17 — the Day of Family Sanctity. Today, the world celebrates the Day against Homophobia and Transphobia.

The ruling party "Georgian Dream" plans to approve the bills in the second and third reading during the autumn session, which will open in September — shortly before the parliamentary elections on October 26.