
The “Azov” and “Bureviy” brigades advanced a kilometer deep in the Serebryansk Forestry

Sofiia Telishevska

On April 21, the "Azov" and "Bureviy" brigades carried out offensive operations in Serebryansky forestry (Luhansk region).

This was reported by "Azov" on June 16, commenting on information about the retreat of the Russians in the Serebryan Forestry and near Klishchiivka, Donetsk region.

"As a result of joint actions, the units of the brigades advanced 1 km in depth and 2 km along the front, which completed one of the stages of offensive actions in their direction," the message reads.

"Azov" called on the media and society "not to create information noise" and not to report the details of the advance of the defense forces without official confirmation from the media services of the two brigades. "Success loves silence," the team said.

Why the Serebriansky Forest is important

Serebryansky forest is located close to the city of Kreminna in the Luhansk region. Its part belongs to the botanical reserve of local importance "Serebryansky", which, in turn, is part of the SE "Kremin Forestry Management".

This forest starts from Kreminna and stretches for more than 107.1 hectares all the way to the administrative border with the Donetsk region. Russia began storming this area half a year after the occupation of Kreminnaya — in the fall of 2022. Then it became obvious that the plan to quickly capture Ukraine failed, so the Russians concentrated on reaching the administrative borders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

During prolonged hostilities and incessant assaults by the Russian army, this once protected territory turned into a scorched earth.