
“Ukroboronprom” and “Rheinmetall” opened the first joint workshop for the repair and production of armored vehicles in Ukraine

Olha Bereziuk

In Ukraine, the joint production site of “Ukroboronprom” and the German defense concern “Rheinmetall” — a workshop for the repair and production of armored vehicles — became operational.

The Minister of Strategic Industry Oleksandr Kamyshin announced this.

This is the first implemented project within the framework of the partnership between “Ukroboronprom” and the German defense giant.

According to Kamyshin, the launch of the workshop will allow faster repair of foreign equipment and, accordingly, faster return to the front line. In the future, new samples of armored vehicles will be produced there.

The minister emphasized that Ukrainian specialists work in the workshop under the technical supervision of colleagues from Germany.

"Taxes are paid in Ukraine. And we are getting new technologies," he added.