
The text of the security agreement between Ukraine and Sweden has appeared

Olha Bereziuk

Ukraine and Sweden signed a 10-year security agreement in which they agreed to deepen partnership and cooperation in the fields of defense, non-military security, politics and economy.

The text of the agreement was published by the Office of the President.

Sweden is ready to agree and coordinate support for Ukraineʼs fight against Russian aggression, help rebuild the national economy, and support Ukraineʼs integration into the EU and NATO.

Defense and security

Sweden will provide military aid to Ukraine totaling SEK 75 billion (approximately €6.5 billion) over the three-year period 2024-2026.

Sweden will also continue to support the technical support of the military equipment systems transferred to Ukraine, such as the combat vehicle 90 (CV90) and the Archer artillery system.

In the field of aviation, Sweden will transfer ASC 890 aircraft to Ukraine, and will also work on the transfer of JAS 39 Gripen aircraft and pilot training.

Sweden will train and train personnel of the Ukrainian Defense Forces, work on the development of the Navy of Ukraine, support the fields of unmanned systems, military medicine and mechanized forces. The country will also contribute to the rehabilitation of the Ukrainian military.

In addition, Sweden will work with Ukraine on the localization, repair, maintenance and production of Swedish defense products in Ukraine.

Non-military security

Sweden will support the protection, restoration, reconstruction and modernization of critical infrastructure and public services in Ukraine.

The countries will also work to counter Russian propaganda and offer the world an alternative to Russian disinformation campaigns.

Ukraine and Sweden will deepen cooperation in the field of cyber security, as well as in the field of combating serious and organized crime.

Political cooperation and sanctions

The countries agreed to cooperate for the sake of a just and lasting peace. Sweden supports the Ukrainian peace formula and is ready to play a leading role in the implementation of peace initiatives in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter.

As long as Russiaʼs aggression against Ukraine continues, Sweden will support tough EU sanctions against sectors of the Russian economy and those inside and outside of Russia who support or profit from the war, or facilitate the circumvention of sanctions in third countries.

Sweden will also work to combat all forms of sanctions circumvention.

Restoration of justice

The participants of the agreement confirm that Russia must bear legal consequences for its aggression, including compensation for the damage caused.

Countries will seek to prosecute those responsible for war crimes and other international crimes, including the crime of aggression, committed in or against Ukraine in accordance with international law.

Sweden will support Ukraine in the immediate release and return of all illegally detained, forcibly displaced and illegally deported civilians, primarily Ukrainian children. She will also work on punishing those responsible for organizing the illegal deportation and relocation of Ukrainian children.

Financial and humanitarian support, recovery and reforms

In 2023, Sweden adopted a strategy for cooperation with Ukraine in the fields of reconstruction and reforms for 2023–2027 with a budget of €500 million.

Sweden will continue to support Ukrainian business and the improvement of the investment climate. To support the recovery, reconstruction and economic development of Ukraine by Swedish companies, Sweden opened a Business Sweden office in Kyiv and introduced special framework guarantees for Ukraine.

Sweden will continue to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine on a bilateral basis, as well as in cooperation with EU and UN institutions.

The participants of the agreement agreed to continue efforts to carry out the reforms necessary for joining the EU and NATO and receiving assistance from the IMF. They also agreed that Ukraine needs inclusive reform and reform in the defense sector (public control of the Armed Forces, improvement of defense procurement, etc.).

Cooperation in the event of a future Russian attack

If Russia attacks Ukraine again in the future, the parties to the agreement will hold consultations on a bilateral basis within 24 hours. Sweden undertakes to provide quick and permanent security, economic assistance and available military equipment, will seek agreement in the EU regarding the imposition of economic and other sanctions on Russia.