
Due to Russian sabotage, Poland is strengthening the security of the main hub of military aid to Ukraine

Sofiia Telishevska

The Polish authorities have decided to strengthen security around the main transit hub — the Rzeszów-Jasionka airport, through which foreign military aid is delivered to Ukraine. This airport handles up to 90% of Western cargo bound for the front.

Security is being tightened due to concerns about sabotage operations by Russia, Bloomberg reports.

"We are dealing with a foreign state that is conducting hostile... actions on Polish territory. There was nothing like this before," said Polish Minister of Internal Affairs Tomasz Siemoniak.

According to him, the recent acts of sabotage were ordered by the Russian military intelligence (GRU), and similar methods are used by the Russians throughout Europe. For this, they involve football hooligans or organized criminal groups who are ready to do it for money.

The official called the situation "very serious", since Russian special services are now acting more purposefully on foreign territory.

"We are no longer talking about agents of influence or any online activity. These are people who are ready to come and set something on fire," Semonyak noted.

At the beginning of the week, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said that nine people are currently under arrest, suspected of subversive activities on the territory of the country, committed in the interests of and at the behest of Russia.

He also issued an order appointing the Commission to Investigate Russian and Belarusian Influence in Poland in 2004-2024 — a body with the same name existed under the previous Law and Justice government.

In addition, Poland recently detained an agent who cooperated with the Russian military intelligence (GRU) and helped prepare an assassination attempt on the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.