
Ukrainians removed from military registration due to going abroad must return to Ukraine and register

Sofiia Telishevska

Getty Images / «Babel'»

By June 16, 2024, men who were removed from military registration due to being sent abroad for more than 3 months must come to Ukraine and register for military service. The corresponding procedure is prescribed in Cabinet Resolution No. 563 (page 7, paragraph 4).

It is also provided that men who are abroad are subject to military registration on the same basis as men in Ukraine.

Foreign diplomatic institutions will inform conscripts aged 18 to 25 who are on permanent or temporary consular registration.

As you know, the new law on strengthening mobilization introduced military registration for citizens who are abroad, and the Cabinet of Ministers had to regulate this procedure.

Previously, it was assumed that conscripts and reservists who go abroad for a period of more than three months could be deregistered at the territorial recruit center (TRC), when a person came there in person and brought documents confirming the trip abroad. Now this norm has been removed. That is, conscripts, conscripts and reservists are no longer removed from the military register at the TRC.

Please note that men abroad will need to create an electronic military registration document to apply for passports. It will be possible to submit a military registration document in paper form to receive consular services only until June 18, then only electronically.

In the event of a change of email, military service men abroad, registered in the e-cabinet, are required to make changes to their credentials.

Penalties for violation of mobilization norms

During the period of martial law, violation of military accounting rules is punishable by a fine of 17 000 to 25 500 hryvnias.

Violation of the legislation on defense, mobilization training and mobilization entails the imposition of a fine from 5 100 to 8 500 UAH for citizens and from 17 000 to 25 500 UAH for officials of state authorities, local self-government, legal entities and public associations.

A repeated violation within a year is punishable by a fine from 17 000 to 25 500 UAH for citizens and from 34 000 to 51 000 UAH for officials of state authorities, local governments, legal entities and public associations.

Administrative penalties for violations of the legislation on military registration, mobilization, and mobilization training during martial law may be imposed within three months after its discovery, but not later than one year after its commission.