
The Kremlin announced that the Russian Federation would withdraw its troops from a number of regions of Armenia

Oleksandra Amru

The press secretary of the leader of the Russian Federation Dmytro Peskov said that the day before, during the meeting, Vladimir Putin and the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan agreed on the withdrawal of the Russian military and border guards from a number of Armenian regions. At the same time, border guards will remain on the borders of Armenia with Turkey and Iran.

Peskov informed Interfax about this.

According to him, in the fall of 2020, at the request of the Armenian side, Russia deployed its military and border guards in several Armenian regions. Pashinyan said that there is no such need now, as "circumstances have changed", Putin agreed.

Instead, the Armenian side asked to leave Russian border guards on the Armenian-Turkish and Armenian-Iranian borders.

"They will remain there and continue to perform their functions," the Kremlin representative clarified.