
Ministry of Internal Affairs: Ukrainians have from one to five million weapons

Liza Brovko

The Minister of Internal Affairs Ihor Klymenko said that now Ukrainians may have from one to five million weapons.

This is reported by Ukrinform from the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also emphasized that, in addition to weapons, Ukrainians have a lot of grenades, and citizens also illegally store trophy equipment, so the department should "do everything to ensure that these weapons and ammunition get into warehouses so as not to endanger citizens."

According to Klymenko, almost all weapons issued to Ukrainians have been accounted for.

If the Verkhovna Rada supports the draft law on trophy weapons in the second reading, every citizen will have to take them to the police and register them. We are talking about draft law No. 9538 "On ensuring the participation of civilians in the defense of Ukraine", the purpose of which is to improve the procedure for obtaining, declaring and handling firearms.

Until the end of martial law, Ukrainians will be able to keep trophy weapons with ammunition, and after that they can either hand them in, dispose of them, or convert them into a permitted type of weapon.

Ihor Klymenko added that only when Ukraine manages to educate people in the culture of using weapons, then we will talk about the next step in owning them.