
Germany will transfer 20 more Marder IFVs to Ukraine

Oleksandra Amru

The German government ordered 20 Marder infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) for Ukraine from the manufacturer Rheinmetall.

This is stated in the press release of the company.

The order was given to the concern last month, the exact cost is not mentioned, but it is noted that it is about tens of millions of euros.

20 modernized Marder IFV version 1A3 with built-in laser rangefinders for effective and accurate targeting are planned to be handed over to Ukraine this year. Ukraine received the first 20 such machines in March 2023. Then there were several more parties.

The company hands over Marder 1A3 IFVs used by the German Ground Forces, which are undergoing major repairs. They are being modernized at the Rheinmetall plants in Unterluss and Kassel.

Rheinmetall noted that a three-digit number of Marder IFVs have already been delivered to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.