
Zelensky signed the law on the demobilization of conscripts

Sofiia Telishevska

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed Law No. 11035 on the demobilization of conscripts with a 12-month deferment from mobilization.

The law regulates the release into the reserve of conscripts who have served the prescribed terms of conscript military service during martial law.

The fact is that after the declaration of martial law and general mobilization in Ukraine, conscription for military service was not carried out, but conscripts called up for martial law remained in service all this time.

The term of conscription in Ukraine ranges from 12 to 18 months, and the last conscription was held in October 2021.

In general, the legislation does not allow conscripts to be involved in hostilities — most of them served in the rear. However, there were cases when they voluntarily went to the front, especially in the first period of the great war.

The law stipulates that military personnel who have served their term of conscript military service will be released to the reserve. They will receive a 12-month deferment from mobilization. That is, the first year after demobilization, these men will not be able to mobilize.

The age of conscription in Ukraine is 18-27 years. At this age, men cannot be mobilized into the army.