
Units for the integration of Ukrainian refugees will be created in Moldova

Oleksandra Amru

Specialists responsible for the social integration of refugees from Ukraine will work in the town halls of 14 settlements in Moldova.

This is reported by NewsMaker.

"The new employees will work in 14 settlements that are part of the initiative "Measures for Growth" (M4EG), financed by the EU and UNDP," the press service of the EU delegation in Moldova said.

Specialists will work in Bielce, Kaguli, Ungheni and other cities and villages. Later, the Congress of local authorities of Moldova will develop recommendations on how to create such units in other settlements, the press service noted.

According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, Moldova has accepted more than 958 000 Ukrainians. Currently, there are 113 000 Ukrainian citizens in the republic.

Since the beginning of the great war in Ukraine, more than 200 Ukrainian entrepreneurs who received refugee status in Moldova have registered their companies in the republic.

According to the National Employment Agency, from March 2022 to today, 1 292 Ukrainians have found work in Moldova. Of them, 897 are women and 395 are men. The majority work in Chisinau (988), Gagauzia (52) and Bielce (61).