
The launch of the electronic register of conscripts will greatly simplify the mobilization process. The main points

Oleksandra Opanasenko

Getty Images / «Babel'»

The launch of the electronic register of conscripts will greatly simplify the process of mobilization in Ukraine. The electronic register of conscripts "Oberih", which is currently operating, is not yet synchronized with other state registers.

This was stated by the head of the public relations service of the Ground Forces Command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Volodymyr Fityo, in an interview with "RBK-Ukraine".

When the corresponding bill is passed, it will synchronize the various existing databases — therefore, there will be no need to issue subpoenas in public months.

"And we will see, for example, that a citizen was registered in Kyiv, but now works in Lviv, because the tax on his salary — personal income tax — is paid to the Lychakivsky district of the city of Lviv. Accordingly, then it will be a simple appeal to the owner of his enterprise of any form of ownership that this citizen needs to appear at the Lychakivsky TRC [territorial recruit center] of the city of Lviv. And the head of the enterprise will be obliged to personally deliver the conscript to the TRC of the JV," Fityo noted.

Currently, data that was in paper form has been transferred to electronic form. This makes it possible to see a personal file, for example, in another TRC of another region, but so far there is no data synchronization with other state registers.

In addition, the electronic register will simplify the mobilization of resources, both human and transport.