
SBU: Poroshenkoʼs trip abroad could have been used by Russia to spread IPSO

Liza Brovko

Getty Images / «Babel'»

The Security Service commented on why ex-president Petro Poroshenko was not allowed to go on a business trip abroad.

The SBU and intelligence agencies received information about the preparation of provocations on the international stage by the Russian special services, which were supposed to reduce the support of foreign partners and split Ukrainian society.

According to the SBU, for this purpose Russia could use the planned meeting of the head of the European Solidarity party, Poroshenko, with the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, who is known for his pro-Russian position.

Because of this, the Verkhovna Rada did not give permission for a foreign business trip to the deputy, "who was supposed to become a tool in the hands of the Russian special services." On December 1, the first vice-speaker of the parliament Oleksandr Kornienko explained that he canceled Petro Poroshenkoʼs international business trip after a letter marked "For official use", the content of which he could not disclose.

The SBU also appealed to the Office of the President, the Cabinet of Ministers, and the Verkhovna Rada with a proposal to take into account information about Russiaʼs plans during the organization and approval of foreign missions of Ukrainian delegations.

The press service of the "European Solidarity" partycommented on the SBU data as follows: "It was from December 1 to 8 that Petro Poroshenko had planned visits to only two countries: Poland and the USA. Unfortunately, the Security Service of Ukraine spread a false message that the cancellation of the travel order signed by the head of the Verkhovna Rada and the ban on Poroshenkoʼs departure on December 1 were related to the meeting with Orban."