
In Slovakia, carriers blocked the border with Ukraine

Oleksandra Opanasenko

The union of road transporters of Slovakia blocked the border with Ukraine for an hour, in particular the crossing point "Vyshnye Nimetske".

The Slovak publication "Aktuality" writes about it.

In this way, Slovak carriers expressed support for their Polish colleagues, who have been protesting against the liberalization of EU rules for Ukrainian trucks for several days.

Highwaymen blocked the road to the crossing with cars.

The warning campaign lasted an hour. Protesters will wait for a response for seven days — in the absence of a response, they threaten to completely block the "Vyshnye Nimetske" checkpoint.

What is happening on the Ukrainian border

On Monday, November 6, after 12:00 p.m., several dozen Polish carriers began blocking three Polish-Ukrainian border crossings in the Polish villages of Grebenne, Dorogusk, and Korchova. The picketers are demanding a ban on the registration of transport companies with foreign capital in Poland, which are pushing Polish entrepreneurs out of the market. They also demand to renew entry permits to the European Union for Ukrainian carriers and to improve service at the border.

The organizers said that they will protest until January 3. Private cars and buses promise to pass without obstruction.

Polish carriers refused to stop blocking the border with Ukraine and rejected the joint proposals of the European Commission, Ukraine and Poland. The parties worked out joint solutions, but the Polish protesters rejected them. A key demand of the protesters is a return to the permit system, but this condition cannot be met.