
Ihor Mosiychuk is a Ukrainian politician with a bad reputation, a popular blogger and Russian propaganda darling. Why he is so loved — analysis

Sofiia Korotunenko, Dmytro Rayevskyi


Ihor Mosiychuk is a journalist, politician, member of the Ukrainian parliament of the 8th convocation from the Radical Party of Oleh Lyashko. In the 1990s, Mosiychuk was an activist in nationalist movements, condemned corruption and criticized the government of Leonid Kuchma. But later he became an MP who skipped plenary sessions and fought with politicians. The prosecutorʼs office suspected Mosiychuk of bribery, and journalists published investigations about undeclared assets. During the coronavirus pandemic, Mosiychuk spread conspiracy theories about American biolaboratories, and after the full-scale invasion — theses of Russian propaganda. Despite all this, Mosiychuk collects hundreds of thousands of views on Ukrainian blogs and news channels, such as Fabryka Novyn, Politeka Online, Aleksandr Shelest, and Newsroom. In March 2024, the Center for Combating Disinformation added Ihor Mosichukʼs TikTok account to the list of pages spreading Russian fakes. Soon the account was blocked. On his new TikTok page, the former deputy does the same thing — he talks about the "capitulation of the government," "the arbitrariness of the TCC" and "volunteer marauders." Babel journalist Sofiia Korotunenko reviewed all of Mosiychukʼs videos available on TikTok and explains with examples why he absolutely cannot be trusted.

Who is Ihor Mosiychuk?

Ihor Mosiychuk was born in 1972 in Lubny, Poltava region. After serving in the army, he restored the first Ukrainian-language newspaper in the region Khliborob. In 1994, he joined the nationalist movement UNA-UNSO. During the funeral of Patriarch Volodymyr, together with members of the movement, he fought with fighters of the “Berkut” riot police who prevented activists from burying the patriarch in Sofia Kyivska. For this, the police detained him for several days.

In 2000, he published the newspaper "Silent Horror", which criticized the government of Leonid Kuchma. In 2006, he restored the newspaper "Vechirniy Vasylkiv", where he published an investigation into corruption in Vasylkiv town. In 2010, he became a deputy of the Vasylkiv city council.

In August 2011, Mosiychuk and several other activists were arrested for allegedly planning to blow up a monument to Lenin on the twentieth anniversary of Independence Day. Mosiychuk said that the "evidence" was planted by the SBU, and the arrest was political repression. He spent almost three years in the Lukyanivska Prison in Kyiv. In January 2014, Mosiychuk was sentenced to six years in prison, but after the overthrow of the Yanukovych regime, he was released.




In May 2014, Mosiychuk became a deputy of the Kyiv City Council, and in November — a member of parliament of Ukraine from the Radical Party of Oleh Lyashko. In the Verkhovna Rada, Mosiychuk missed more than 30% of meetings and did not fulfill 57% of promises.

In September 2015, during a plenary session, then Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin accused Mosiychuk of bribery and confirmed it with video recordings. On them, the deputy promises the man to solve "some issues" with the help of his deputy appeals and requests.

MPs voted to remove Mosiychukʼs parliamentary immunity and prosecute him. Mosiychuk was arrested, but after a year and a half he was released from the pre-trial detention center — the court restored his immunity, and the prosecutorʼs office closed the case.

In 2016, Mosiychuk did not include his house in the Kyiv region in the assets declaration. It turned out that the real estate was registered to the Mosiychukʼs driver, who earned approximately 4,500 hryvnias per month. In 2017, investigative journalists of the program "Nashi Groshi with Denys Bihus" discovered that Mosiychuk declared the car several times cheaper than the market price. Later, in an interview, he named a higher amount, but corrected himself — "the price was set by the seller, thatʼs what I paid."

In 2017, Mosiychuk was injured in an explosion near the studio of the Espresso TV channel. He immediately declared that it was an attempt on him: "All versions that itʼs not connected with me, but with someone else, is complete nonsense."

In 2019, Mosiychuk left the Radical Party because he "could not go against his own convictions" and ran as a non-party candidate. Later, he withdrew his candidacy, according to him, due to pressure "from the organized criminal group of Kononenko — Poroshenko and their hired satellites."

Fakes about Azov

In 2014, Mosiychuk became the deputy commander of the Azov battalion for public relations. On his Facebook page, he talked about the events at the front and the successes of the Azov people.

In August 2014, Mosiychuk reported that the Azov and Shakhtar battalions entered Donetsk. Subsequently, the then deputy head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, Boris Filatov, stated that due to Mosiychukʼs post, the battalions lost soldiers. This was confirmed by one of the fighters of Azov in an interview with "Poltavshchyna" media outlet — he accused Mosiychuk of boasting, because of which they lost people. Later, Mosiychuk reported that near Mariupol "there is a fierce battle" between Azov and a column of 30 Russian tanks that broke through from Russia. The statement caused a panic, but soon the press service of Azov denied it.

After that, Azov stated that Mosiychuk did not have operational information and could not speak on behalf of the battalion. Mosiychuk himself said that he resigned "due to the pressure of the oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky".

Conspiracy theories about the coronavirus pandemic

In March 2020, Mosiychuk spread a fake that hospitals in Ukraine do not accept patients over 60 years old. Later, he stated that he was "sent a photo from the hospital" and "anything can happen, because hospitals are full of bacchanalia."

In April 2020, Mosiychuk said that the Easter holiday quarantine was "anti-church propaganda." He also suggested that, in fact, the pandemic is being used to "inflame neo-globalism, internationalism and erase the sense of state dignity."

Mosiychuk concluded that "Soros and his brothers are turning Ukraine into a training ground for their globalist, multicultural and neoliberal ideas." And the issue of " sorority in Ukraine lies in many planes — in the destruction of cultural, religious and financial planes."

In May 2020, Mosiychuk said that US biolaboratories are operating in Ukraine, which store strains of deadly viruses. He insisted that it was true, even after the SBU denied the fake.

Predictions of a full-scale invasion

On February 15, 2022, Mosiychuk published the video "The invasion and the full-scale war are canceled." In it, he assured that Russia will definitely not attack — this is evidenced by several factors:

A few days later, on February 19, Mosiychuk recorded another video "One step to war", where he said that he did not fully believe in the invasion and was wrong.

Ihor Mosiychuk in the Verkhovna Rada.

About the Russian-Ukrainian war

Mosiychuk blames the Russian invasion on the Ukrainian authorities — he says that the war could have been avoided by diplomatic means. He believes that Zelenskyyʼs government did not prepare for war and during the "Great Construction" paved roads for the occupiers to Ukraine."

Mosiychuk assures that the authorities are lying about shelling — his sources say otherwise. His quotes are used by Russian propaganda channels. For example, after the missile attack on July 8, 2024, Mosiychuk stated that the Russian Federation had hit military facilities in Vasylkiv and soldiers were killed there. This statement was spread by the Russian Telegram channel "Operation Z: Russian Spring Soldiers".

About foreign partners

Mosiychuk believes that Zelenskyy does not really have a plan to stop the war. He will prepare it at the end of November — "when we know who the new white master is." Then "our colonial administration will take the paper in its teeth and say [to the white master]: ʼWhat do you want?ʼ"

For example, in May 2024, one of the "white hosts", i.e. the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, came to Ukraine to "give Zelenskyy a boost" and increase mobilization — "send more Ukrainians as coal to fry Russia".

Ukraine actually has no allies, says Mosiychuk. Western partners forbade Zelenskyy to declare war on Russia, because then they would have to choose a side. Therefore, the president violates the Constitution and continues martial law in the country. Western partners are "playing their game" — trying to "fry the Russian Federation."

Mosichuk calls Kulebaʼs diplomatic visit to China a capitulation to China. At the meeting, Kuleba allegedly "sang the praises of China" and said that "Ukraine is ready for negotiations with Russia."

About the negotiations and how Zelenskyyʼs government is allegedly profiting from the war

According to Mosiychuk, Bankova has been conducting secret negotiations with the Kremlin since about June 2024. Mosiychuk does not give details, he says that "somewhere there is something in common, somewhere there is not, but the negotiations are going on."

"The green idiots donʼt need a Ukraine with the borders of 1991 — they will be satisfied with a small Ukraine in which they can engage in corruption and develop large-scale construction in order to launder and withdraw money," explains Mosiychuk in another video.

He believes that the "team of green liquidators" is turning Ukraine into a "prototype of the DPRK and Venezuela", and "instead of helping the front, they are spreading the budget through their pockets." And the "frozen conflict" is beneficial to the government, because it "will allow martial law to continue, to stay in power without elections, and to steal from defense and reconstruction."

Politeka Online, 30/07/2024.

About the illegitimate Zelenskyy, who will soon be removed

As Mosiychuk says, the Constitution does not provide for "usurpation of power under the guise of wartime." And none of Mosiychukʼs ten acquaintances (especially among the parliamentarians of the II convocation who wrote the Constitution) consider Zelenskyy a legitimate president.

Mosiychuk says that elections will be held soon. And Valery Zaluzhnyi is "waiting in London" for the "usurper Zelenskyy" to be removed in order to enter politics. And it will happen soon — after the presidential elections in the USA. And thatʼs when "Zaluzhnyi will be released into the arena." Mosiychuk does not specify who exactly will do this.

About mobilization and military Territorial Complecting Centers

Mosiychuk says that the TCC has almost a hundred thousand soldiers who are fit for service. Approximately 70% of them never came close to the front line, but "for the last 33 years they have been receiving money from the Ukrainian state" and capturing people.

During the interview, Mosiychuk often speculates on the topic of mobilization — he talks about the conscription age starting at 18, which the government allegedly plans to introduce, and how "the children of the elites leave abroad."

About the banning of the UOC-MP in Ukraine

Mosiychuk believes that politicians are using PR to ban the church of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine. And most of all, the pressure on the church benefits Petro Poroshenko, says Mosiychuk, because it will stop European integration.

Zelenskyyʼs government will have problems not only with the Europeans, but also with the Americans. Especially if Trump wins the presidential election and god-fearing vice-presidential candidate J.D. Vance comes to power.

A few more theses of Ihor Mosiychuk

  • Former OPzZh deputies have turned into "blue servants of the people" — they support draft laws of the presidential party, therefore they have become a branch of it.

  • Missiles and drones were not shot down over the Trypilska thermal power plant, because they saved air defense charges for the protection of Koncha-Zaspa and Bankova elite districts.

  • Serhii Prytula is a looter who steals money from the Ukrainian Armed Forces and evades taxes.

  • Maryana Bezuhla is "Yermakʼs torpedo" who is "trying to decapitate Syrskyi" in order to put her lover Yevhen Moysyuk in his place.

About the murder of Iryna Farion

Mosiychuk believes that Farionʼs murder was ordered by "one of the Ukrainian politicians", namely Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Petro Poroshenko. They want to have "maximum influence on voters from the western regions of the country", so they decided to "remove" the politician who criticized them.

Mosiychuk also has another version. The murder of Farion is part of a special operation by the FSB to "split society, subjugate Ukrainians and undermine the state from within." Mosiychuk says that the network is inciting to kill the pro-Russian deputy Artem Dmytruk, who supports the UOC. His death will lead to "civil religious opposition and the complete destruction of the state."

Politeka Online, 25/07/2024.

Ihor Mosiychuk vs. National Security and Defense Council

In March 2024, the Center for Combating Disinformation added Igor Mosichukʼs TikTok account to the list of channels spreading Russian propaganda. Mosiychuk reacted emotionally in his Telegram channel.

"The soulful fu***r [Andrii] Kovalenko from the CCD at the National Security and Defense Council put our channel on the list together with Russian propagandists... because his hosts Yermak and Zelenskyy are afraid of our truth, which exposes their lies and corruption," wrote Mosiychuk.

His account was blocked — as Mosiychuk says, it was deleted by the "green gang". In July 2024, he created a new page, Mosiichuk.News, where he continued to criticize the authorities and spread Russian fakes. Videos on his newly created account are gaining hundreds of thousands of views.