
The largest field office of the International Criminal Court outside The Hague will begin work in Kyiv

Oksana Kovalenko

The largest field office of the International Criminal Court outside The Hague will open in Kyiv from September 11 to 17.

Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin announced this at the annual YES conference. He added that the Office of the Prosecutor General is working intensively with the team of ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan on a daily basis.

"We have a work plan. We created working groups for specific cases and work with the ISS," said Kostin.

He also reminded that the war crimes of the Russian military are being investigated in other countries as well. "I expect that in the coming months we will see the first indictments in some jurisdictions against Russian war criminals," he said. To a clarifying question from a Babel correspondent after the speech, Kostin replied that he could not name specific countries yet, so as not to harm the investigation.

The Prosecutor General also noted that his office is investigating more than 100,000 criminal proceedings against Russian war criminals. However, it is necessary to create a mechanism to bring to justice for the crime of aggression all those who initiated this aggressive war. "If there was no crime of aggression, there would be no 100,000 war crimes committed during it," he emphasized.