
The name of the Russian who was detained in Finland became known. This is one of the leaders of the Nazi group “Rusich”

Anna Kholodnova

The Finnish police detained Jan Petrovskyi from the subversive-assault intelligence group "Rusich". He is known by the nickname "Slavyan".

TV channel MTV3 reports this.

Petrovsky is accused of participating in terrorist crimes, which he committed in the ranks of "Rusich" in 2014-2015 in Donetsk region and Luhansk region.

Earlier it became known that Ukraine requested his extradition. The Ita-Uusimaa District Court will consider the suspectʼs case on August 25. Whether it will be possible to extradite the husband at the request of Ukraine will be decided later.

Russia stated that the Russian embassy "was informed about the detention of a Russian in Finland at the request of Kyiv."

Milchakov and Petrovsky stand on the right.