
”Energoatom” deleted the message that the Russians want to transfer the 4th power unit of the ZNPP to a state of “hot shutdown”

Liza Brovko

On the afternoon of July 6, "Energoatom" announced the news that the Russians are going to put the power unit No. 4 at the Zaporizhzhia NPP into a state of "hot shutdown", saying that the pseudo-head of the station, Yuriy Chernichuk, had already issued the corresponding order.

A few hours later, Energoatom deleted this information without explanation.

The message stated that taking into account the Russiansʼ detonation of the Kakhovskaya HPP dam, the reservoir is dehydrated, and therefore, in the event of the launch of a larger number of power units, the water supply for cooling the reactors may not be sufficient.

Energoatom also stated that the occupiers deliberately did not implement the decision to bring power unit No. 5 into a "cold shutdown". They noted that in the case of the operation of two power units in the state of "hot stop" at the station, there is a real threat of an emergency situation.

Later, Energoatom added that the refusal of the Russians to put the fifth power unit of the ZNPP into a "cold shutdown" mode could lead to an accident and release of radiation because it is not properly maintained. There, more than 1,000 pieces of thermomechanical equipment and more than 100 pieces of electrical equipment need to be replaced. Calls to "Energoatom" to transfer power unit No. 5 to a "cold shutdown" and to involve the IAEA in this did not yield results.