
The SBI is investigating the beating of a military man in Volyn. The officer smashed his head and left him to die

Sofiia Telishevska

Employees of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) are investigating the beating of a serviceman in the military part of the city of Volodymyr in Volyn. I suspect the officer who did it before being nominated.

This was reported by the press service of the SBI.

According to the victimʼs relatives, he was beaten by a senior employee for "entering the wrong shower cubicle."

The beaten man was discovered only a day after the incident, now he is in the hospital. He was diagnosed with a craniocerebral injury, numerous hematomas and a broken nose.

"On the photos is my brother Hryshchuk Anatoliy, a soldier of the 14th brigade, who was brutally beaten by senior lieutenant Ariychuk Vasyl Tarasovych (who is in the third photo) because his brother went to wash in the wrong booth. He knocked him down and kicked him on the head (he could not defend himself, because he had not yet fully recovered from the severe wound). This bastard left him bleeding. When the brother was found, his legs failed to recover from his injuries, because he had a large head hematoma," said the victimʼs sister Nataliia Mendel.

In a commentary on the Avers TV channel, the victim himself said that after the beating, the lieutenant forced him to clean up in the shower. Then the man went to the laundry room and couldnʼt get out on his own: his legs gave out.

An investigation into the fact that a military official exceeded his authority during martial law is ongoing. The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty for a term of eight to 12 years.