
An employee of the Federal Security Service, who was engaged in secure communication for Putin, escaped from Russia. He considers Putin a war criminal

Oleksiy Yarmolenko

In the fall of 2022, the captain of the Federal Security Service, Gleb Karakulov, escaped from Russia. He worked as an engineer in the Office of Presidential Communications and provided Putin with secure communications.

The "Dossier" center writes about this.

At the beginning of October, Karakulov went to the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, where Putin participated in three events — the Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, a meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the CIS and the "Russia — Central Asia" summit. On the last day of the business trip, October 14, Karakulov fled to Istanbul with his wife and daughter.

The Dossier Center calls him the highest-ranking employee of the Russian special services who fled the Russian Federation after the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Abroad, Karakulov condemned the war and called Putin a war criminal.

"I simply could not be in the service of this president. I consider this person a war criminal. Although I did not take part in military operations, I do not consider it possible for me to carry out his criminal orders or simply to be in his service," he said.

In Russia, a criminal case was opened against Karakulov for desertion. He was declared wanted.