
The Ukrainian Presidentʼs Office reacted to the exploitation of military themes in marketing

Sofiia Telishevska

Oleg Petrasyuk / «Babel»

The Ukrainian Presidentʼs Office held a meeting with the State Production and Consumer Service and the Ukrainian Intellectual Property and Innovation Office to resolve the problem of unethical use of the symbols of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in advertising and trademarks.

Andriy Smyrnov, deputy head of the Presidentʼs Office, announced this.

The parties agreed to launch a hotline in both structures that will respond to similar cases.

They also began to prepare amendments to the laws, which will help to effectively respond to this type of marketing and strengthen responsibility for advertising and brand names that violate the norms of public morality.

“There is no limit to indignation when you read about the offer of epilation against the background of our military and under the slogans of the help of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, or when you come across various drinks, including alcoholic ones, in the name of which the names of Ukrainian cities are used, the history of which is full not only of heroism, but also of tragedy”, — emphasized Smirnov.

Trademarks often exploit military themes. For example, on the shelves of Ukrainian stores one can find Death of Moskal sausage, Heroic Bucha kombucha, Patronchyky sausages, Azovstal radish seeds, Heroes do not die beer, and other products.