
The USA introduced sanctions against the head of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv, Pavlo Vovk

Anhelina Sheremet

The US State Department imposed sanctions against the head of the Kyiv District Administrative Court, Pavlo Vovk, and two of his closest relatives — "for demanding bribes in exchange for interference in judicial and other state processes."

The State Department announced this on December 9.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine suspects the head of the District Administrative Court Vovk and other judges of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv — Ablov, Pogribnichenko, Celeberda, Ogurtsov, Kachur and Sanin — of corruption and attempts to seize state power. On July 17, 2020, NABU presented a recording of the conversations between Vovka and the judges of the Court, and later new recordings were made public. On the same day, NABU employees searched the court, after which Vovka and his deputy Yevhen Ablov were informed of the suspicion. The case is currently under consideration in court.