
Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine: the Ukrainian army may enter Crimea by the end of the year, and the war will end by spring

Kostia Andreikovets

Getty Images / «Babel'»

Ukrainian forces can enter the temporarily occupied Crimea by the end of December this year, and the war with Russia will end by spring.

Deputy Minister of Defense Volodymyr Gavrylov said this forecast in an interview with Sky News.

Gavrylov emphasized that Ukraine will fight until victory. Any freezing of the conflict is only a continuation of the war against the existence of Ukraine, he added.

“There is a decision within society in Ukraine that we are going to the end. It doesnʼt matter what script is on the table. People gave a lot of blood, a lot of effort for what we have already achieved, and everyone knows that any delay or frozen conflict is just a continuation of this war against the existence of Ukraine as a nation," Gavrylov said.

The deputy minister also considers the probability of Russiaʼs use of nuclear weapons to be low.